save your computer

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Save Your “MyDocuments”

Hampir semua orang menyimpan datanya didalam folder My Documents. Folder ini memang folder standard dari komputer untuk menyimpan berbagai dokumen kita. Ada satu tips agar kita dapat menyelamatkan data-data yang ada didalam folder My Documents ini, sehingga hilangnya data dapat kita hindari sedini mungkin.

Perlu diketahui bahwa letak ‘folder asli’ dari My Documents ini ada didalam C:\Documents and Settings\Nama User\My Documents. Anda bisa mengeceknya melalui klik kanan pada folder My Documents lalu pilih Properties. Perhatikan pada kotak Target Folder Location, disitulah sebenarnya data My Documents itu disimpan.

Menyimpan data di lokasi My Documents yang letaknya di partisi C sebenarnya kurang aman, Mengapa?. Jika suatu saat komputer kita error (tidak bisa masuk ke Windows misalnya) atau lagi bermasalah sehingga tidak ada jalan lain untuk membetulkan komputer kita kecuali dengan memformat Windows, maka susah bagi kita untuk menyelamatkan data My Documents tersebut karena letaknya ada di C, dan begitu melakukan format Windows maka secara otomatis seluruh data yang ada di My Documents ‘akan terhapus’. Memformat Windows sama saja dengan menghapus ’seluruh data’ yang ada di drive / partisi C.

Memang masih bisa untuk diselamatkan, antara lain dengan mengkopi folder My Documents tersebut ke drive lain (seperti drive D, E dsb) melalui DOS, atau memindahkannya melalui kopi hardisk (hardisk kita dipasang di komputer orang lain), namun cara-cara diatas cukup merepotkan bagi kita. Ada satu trik agar kita dapat menyelamatkan data di My Documents yakni dengan memindahkan target dari letak My Documents tersebut ke partisi lain, misalkan D, E dan sebagainya.

Caranya cukup mudah, yakni:

* Klik kanan pada Start lalu pilih Explore
* Pada partisi / drive selain C (misalkan di drive / partisi D), buat folder baru dengan nama Dataku (atau nama lain sesuka anda)
* Klik kanan pada folder My Documents lalu pilih Properties
* Klik tombol Move…. Pada kotak yang muncul, cari folder yang anda buat tadi. Jika sudah, klik OK - OK. Pada kotak yg muncul, klik Yes.

Anda bisa cek:
Isi folder My Documents = Isi folder Dataku (pada drive / partisi D)

Dengan demikian, jika suatu saat komputer anda error sehingga harus di format Windows, maka seluruh data My Document akan selamat sebab tidak lagi disimpan di drive C, melainkan sudah dipindahkan ke drive D.

Hal ini sangat penting dilakukan mengingat banyak orang yang kehilangan datanya yang berada di My Documents sewaktu dilakukan format Windows. Jika tips ini anda lakukan, maka kejadian seperti tadi tidak akan menimpa pada anda.

Keterangan :

* Format Windows adalah proses untuk menginstal ulang Windows, dengan kata lain Windows anda diganti dengan yang baru ’secara total’
* Drive / Partisi adalah pembagian lokasi hardisk untuk penyimpanan data di komputer. Jika anda membuka Windows Explorer maka biasanya akan terlihat tulisan (C), (D), (E) dan sebagainya. Bagian-bagian tersebut berguna untuk ‘membagi-bagi’ lokasi penyimpanan data kita. Kecuali drive / partisi untuk CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, drive / partisi ini tidak berfungsi untuk menyimpan data tapi berfungsi untuk membaca kepingan CD / DVD.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Save Your Computer With Antivirus Software

Antivirus programs consist of PC programs that aim to identify and reduce computer viruses and other harmful softwares or malwares. An infected computer or system shows certain suspicious behaviors, which seems irregular or abnormal. Several antivirus software and antimalware programs can be of great use for preventing the required attempts of these viruses to affect the nature of the system. If one program attempts to write data on an executable program, the antivirus programs can determine this suspicious behavior, alert a user and ask for further directions. Antimalwares are exceedingly essential as nowadays with the technological advancement it is necessary to communicate electronically. For PC peoples it is essential to prevent the viruses. Antiviruses are essential as these are designed to keep PC users aware about the latest signatures within the antimalware industry. Antimalwares cautiously examines all the files and scans and checks if any viruses are found. The deletions of the found viruses are possible using the anti-malwares. Antivirusprograms are extensively used for better maintenance of systems. With the spread of viruses using electronic mail, their infection vector could be spread far more inexpensively and effectively. Without the need to install additional antivirus program, the attachment can be well scanned before downloading. Besides installing the antimalware, user education is extremely important. As malware is specific software, designed to damage a computer system without the owner's consent, it has been named after blending the words "malicious" and "software". Many ordinary PC users are till date not aware about the antivirusprograms. The expression is a mixed term used by the computer professionals. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the normal computer users should be well aware about the viruses, which immensely affects the machines. The term malware has been newly coined. In the past few years, the fact has been revealed that the main intention of creating the malware is for enhancing financial frauds. This has been a major cause behind the popularity of antimalware. As most computers consist of bugs, malware can effectively track them. So, it is indeed essential to effectively track the self-replicating viruses using the antimalware. Antivirus programs help in maintenance of the system's security and moreover it protects against the malwares. Some viruses are programmed to spoil the PC by damaging programs, deleting files, or even reformatting the hard disk. Others are not designed to do any damage, but purely to replicate themselves and make their presence known by presenting text, video, audio messages etc. To prevent data loss and system crashes antivirus programs are of high importance. Viruses can be also spreaded through messaging. To ensure that the computer is protected from malwares, a working antivirus program is highly necessary.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Antivirus for mobile

Mobile virus, is dengerous and make your phone not work properly, to avoid it you must install antivirus application. Kapersky the only one good antivirus as long as I know to protect our computer. In this time kapersky have new product to protect your phone from virus, and red code that can warm your phone .
With this product you can
1. SMS-Block. In the event of the loss of a smartphone, a user can send a “hidden SMS message” to it, which blocks access to the smartphone until a pre-set password is entered.
2. SMS-Clean. This function is similar to the SMS-Block feature, but, rather than blocking the smartphone, it cleans the device’s memory and memory cards.
3. SIM Watch. The SMS-Block and SMS-Clean functions are only available if a smartphone is enabled and the original SIM card is installed. If a smartphone is stolen, the “new owner” will most likely immediately replace the original SIM card. The SIM Watch function will prevent the “new owner” from accessing any personal data without the initial SIM card inserted in the device. If the initial SIM card is replaced with a new one, the SIM Watch function will send the original user the new telephone number of the device without the “new owner’s” knowledge

Save Your Data

Lossing data, no one wan't, for avoid it have a software to save your data. with simple way and cheap price you can save your data

Friday, September 21, 2007

best e-mail

I was use gmail it's great free webmail, with the google idea that email can be simple, fast and clutter-free, fun.
3 reason chosen gmail
1. Less Spam
it's important to save data in our pc
2. over 2903.7231... megabytes (and growing) free storage
3. you can chat inside gmail